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Category Archives for "dirt bike"

Razor Dirt Bike Speed

Razor Dirt Bike Speed How fast does a razor dirt bike go? This is a question that we get asked a lot, and it’s one that we’re happy to answer! While the top speed of a razor dirt bike varies depending on the model and size of the bike, most razors can reach speeds of […]

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Are Apollo Dirt Bikes a Quality Brand?

Are Apollo Dirt Bikes a Quality Brand? Are Apollo dirt bikes good quality brand? This is a question that I get asked a lot, and it’s not an easy one to answer. There are a lot of factors that go into determining whether or not a dirt bike is good quality, and Apollo is no […]

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Dirt Bike Speeds: 13 Models Explained

Dirt Bike Speeds: 13 Models Explained 13 Dirt Bikes Speed Explained! How fast do dirt bikes go? That’s a question we get a lot, and it’s not as simple as just giving you a number. Dirt bike speeds depends on the model, engine size, gearing, and rider weight. In this article, we’ll explain all of […]

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Dirt Bike For Big Guys

Dirt Bike For Big Guys Are you a big guy looking for a dirt bike? It can be tough to find a bike that is both comfortable and powerful enough to suit your needs. Here are some of the best dirt bikes for 300 lb men, so you can hit the trails with confidence. The […]

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125cc Dirt Bike Speed Comparison by Brand

125cc Dirt Bike Speed Comparison by Brand There are a few things you need to know about 125cc dirt bikes before we get into how fast they go. For starters, 125cc is the size of the engine which typically powers these types of bikes. The “CC” stands for cubic centimeters and essentially dictates the power […]

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7 Reasons Dirt Bikes Aren’t Street Legal

7 Reasons Dirt Bikes Aren’t Street Legal When it comes to two-wheeled vehicles, there are few that are as versatile and fun as dirt bikes. Unfortunately, these same qualities also make them illegal to ride on most public roads. In this article, we’ll take a look at seven reasons why dirt bikes are not street […]

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How To Shift Gears On A Dirt Bike

How To Shift Gears On A Dirt Bike It would help if you used your left foot to find the gear shifter to shift gears on a dirt bike. The gear shifter is usually located near the left foot peg. You will need to push the shifter down with your left foot to go up […]

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Best Dirt Bikes For Big Guys

Best Dirt Bikes For Big Guys The best dirt bikes for big guys are those that have a comfortable seat and can handle the weight of a larger rider. Many dirt bikes are designed for smaller riders and can be uncomfortable for someone who is taller or heavier. There are a few things to look […]

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